Know our Founder

Dr. Birendra Kumar, Bapu Sewak, Peace Activist and promoter of Non-Violence Movement and world peace across country.

Dr. Birendra Kumar is a prominent social worker and activist who has made a huge impact in the development sector over the past 22 years. He is a true Gandhian at heart and has a passion for promoting peace and non-violence. With his extensive experience and expertise in the field of social work, he has made a name for himself in India and beyond.

Dr. Kumar has traveled extensively across Europe, the USA, Asia, and the Pacific. He has used these travels to spread his message of peace and non-violence, and to raise awareness about the need for sustainable development. He has a Master’s degree in Social Work and a Master’s degree in Peace and Gandhian Studies, which have helped him to understand the complexities of the development sector and to work effectively with government bodies.

In addition to his academic qualifications, Dr. Kumar is also an experienced trainer and educator. He has trained over 10,000 youth and women across India in various fields, and is the founder of the Non-Violence Foundation and the Mahatma Gandhi College of Social Work and many more.. These organizations are dedicated to promoting peace, non-violence, and sustainable development, and have had a profound impact on the lives of many people in India.

Dr. Kumar’s work in the development sector is not limited to India alone. He is also the founder of the Non-Violence Peace Foundation Inc established in 2019 on occation of Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary, which has branches in India, the USA, UK, Japan, Australia, Switzerland and France. This college provides education and training in the fields of social work, peace and non-violence, and sustainable development, and has helped to produce many talented and dedicated social workers.

Dr. Kumar is a firm believer in peace, non-violence, and truth. He is often referred to as Bapu-Sevak or a follower of Gandhi, and his mission is to promote peace, establish a non-violent society, protect nature, and promote sustainable farming and food production. He is passionate about rural development and is an expert in the fields of community development,rural development, community radio, child rights, natural resource management, waste management, right to education, Public Interest Litigation (PIL) and right to information.

Aside from his work in the development sector, Dr. Kumar is also a man of many interests and passions. He loves the cow and parrots, and has ridden a bike across the country covering 18,000 km in 6 months. On this journey, he had group discussions and meetings on the rights of people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, further emphasizing his dedication to improving the lives of those in need.

Dr. Kumar’s vision for the world is one where everyone is a global citizen, promoting the “We Are One World” agenda for world peace. He believes that sustainable development and peace go hand in hand, and that it is possible to create a world where everyone can live together in harmony and without fear of violence. With his extensive knowledge, experience, and dedication, Dr. Kumar is sure to continue making a positive impact in the development sector for years to come.

Moreover, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Kumar showed his humanitarian side by adopting 60 orphan children and supporting them financially and mentally for 2 years. He went above and beyond by guiding and coordinating 1300 families for hospital, oxygen, bed, and food, along with 70 TB patients and their families during the entire lockdown. In his mission to protect the environment, he also planted 1551 plants across the country every year and is committed to planting 2000 trees that produce 24 hours of oxygen.

It is evident that Dr. Birendra Kumar’s unwavering commitment to peace, non-violence, and sustainable development has inspired many people across the world. He is a true role model for social workers and activists, and his work has made a positive impact on the lives of countless individuals. With his passion, expertise, and dedication, he continues to inspire and make a difference in the world every day.