Sustainability Policy

Non-Violence Foundation Sustainability Policy

Our Mission:

The Non-Violence Foundation is dedicated to promoting peace, understanding, and respect for all people. We believe that non-violence is the most effective means of resolving conflicts and promoting social justice.

Sustainability Policy Statement: The Non-Violence Foundation is committed to promoting sustainability in all aspects of our work. We recognize that the well-being of future generations depends on the responsible use of natural resources and the reduction of our impact on the environment.

Guidelines for Sustainable Practices:

  1. Reduce our energy usage through the use of energy-efficient equipment and practices.
  2. Minimize waste through the use of recycled and recyclable materials, and by implementing a robust waste reduction and management plan.
  3. Promote the use of environmentally-friendly modes of transportation, such as public transportation, biking, and walking.
  4. Support local and sustainable agriculture and food systems by purchasing locally-sourced and organic food whenever possible.
  5. Continuously monitor and evaluate our environmental impact, and strive to reduce it over time.


The Non-Violence Foundation will conduct regular reviews of our sustainability practices, and will make changes as needed to ensure that we are meeting our sustainability goals. We will also provide training and resources to help all employees, volunteers, and members understand and support our sustainability efforts.