
A – Ahimsa (the principle of non-violence in Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism)

B – Civil rights leader Bayard Rustin, who practiced nonviolent resistance

C – César Chávez, who used nonviolent tactics in his advocacy for farm workers’ rights

D – Dorothy Day, who was a pacifist and advocate for nonviolence

E – Equality, which is often a core value of nonviolent movements

F – Feminism, which has often utilized nonviolent resistance in its advocacy for women’s rights

G – Gandhi, who was a key figure in the development of nonviolent resistance

H – Martin Luther King Jr.’s principle of nonviolence, which he used in the American civil rights movement

I – International Day of Non-Violence, celebrated annually on October 2nd to coincide with Gandhi’s birthday

J – Jane Addams, who was a social activist and advocate for peace

K – Kingian Nonviolence, a philosophy of nonviolence based on the principles of Martin Luther King Jr.

L – Leo Tolstoy, who was a pacifist and wrote extensively on nonviolence

M – Mahatma Gandhi, who was a key figure in the development of nonviolent resistance

N – Nonviolent Communication, a method of communication that emphasizes empathy and nonviolent principles

O – Overcoming Oppression, a key goal of many nonviolent movements

P – Peace, a central goal of nonviolent movements

Q – Quakerism, a religion that emphasizes peace and nonviolence

R – Resistance, often in the form of nonviolent protest, to oppressive systems

S – Satyagraha, a term coined by Gandhi to describe his philosophy of nonviolent resistance

T – Thoreau, who wrote about civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance

U – United Nations International Day of Non-Violence, celebrated annually on October 2nd

V – Voluntary simplicity, a lifestyle that emphasizes living simply and nonviolently

W – War, often seen as the opposite of nonviolence

X – eXtreme Love, a concept used in some nonviolent movements to describe a radical form of empathy and compassion

Y – Youth activism, which often utilizes nonviolent resistance in advocacy for social justice

Z – Zionism, which has a history of both violent and nonviolent forms of resistance.

A to Z, we journey through, Non-violence,

our theme in view. Ahimsa, the first on the list, Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism insist.

Bayard Rustin, civil rights leader, Nonviolence his chosen feature. César Chávez, for farm workers fought, Nonviolent tactics, his battles wrought.

Dorothy Day, a pacifist soul, Nonviolence her overarching goal. Equality, a core value we find, In nonviolent movements, of every kind.

Feminism, oft’ with nonviolence aligned, Women’s rights, with love combined. Gandhi, a key figure of this course, In nonviolent resistance, a force.

Martin Luther King Jr., his principle we see, Nonviolence, American civil rights’ key. International Day of Non-Violence, October’s call, Gandhi’s birthday, a tribute for all.

Jane Addams, social activist in her day, Peace, her life’s work in every way. Kingian Nonviolence, a philosophy pure, Martin Luther King Jr.’s ideas we secure.

Leo Tolstoy, pacifist at heart, Wrote extensively, his nonviolence art. Mahatma Gandhi, we come back again, Nonviolent resistance, his legacy remains.

Nonviolent Communication, a way to connect, Empathy and understanding, we must inject. Overcoming Oppression, our goal so clear, Nonviolent resistance, we must revere.

Peace, our ultimate aim, Nonviolence, the path we claim. Quakerism, peace we proclaim, Nonviolence, its principle we maintain.

Resistance to oppression, our call, Nonviolent protest, our weapon to enthrall. Satyagraha, Gandhi’s unique term, Nonviolent resistance, its essence we learn.

Thoreau, civil disobedience his muse, Nonviolent resistance, his message diffuse. United Nations International Day of Non-Violence, October’s celebration, the world’s compliance.

Voluntary simplicity, our way of life, Nonviolent living, free from strife. War, the opposite of what we believe, Nonviolence, our message we conceive.

eXtreme Love, our concept we hold, Nonviolent movements, with compassion untold. Youth activism, our future so bright, Nonviolent resistance, with all our might.

Zionism, with its history complex, Violent and nonviolent forms, we confess. A to Z, our journey through, Nonviolence, our theme, forever true.

Poem : By Birendra Kumar