Welcome to the World Citizenship Network!

We are thrilled to invite individuals and organizations to join our network, which is promoted and initiated by the non-violence foundation India. Our aim is to advocate and promote the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” (the world is one family) and the theme of the G-20 “One Family, One Earth, One Future”.

The World Citizenship Network connects like-minded individuals and organizations to work together towards a common goal of promoting world peace and unity. We believe that by working together, we can achieve more than we can alone.

As members of the World Citizenship Network, you will have the opportunity to connect with other individuals and organizations who share your passion for promoting peace and unity. Our network is a platform for you to share your ideas, initiatives, and experiences with others who are working towards the same goal.

Once a year, we hold the annual event of the World Peace Parliament. During this event, members of the network gather to discuss current policies and events that impact the concept of one world. This is a wonderful opportunity for members to connect with each other in person, share their experiences, and collaborate on future projects.

To see the schedule for the World Peace Parliament, please visit our events page.

Join us today and become a part of a global community working towards a better future for all. Together, we can make a difference and create a world that is more peaceful, united, and just for all.

We look forward to having you as a member of the World Citizenship Network!

Sample Format of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Purpose :

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made between [Name of Organization 1] and [Name of Organization 2] to formalize a partnership for the promotion of world citizenship and the advancement of the concepts of Vashudhaiv Kutumbkam and the G-20 theme of “One Family, One Earth, One Future.”


The objectives of this MOU are to:

  1. Promote the idea of world citizenship and create awareness about the importance of creating a more peaceful and united world.
  2. Collaborate on initiatives and events aimed at promoting world citizenship, including the annual World Peace Parliament.
  3. Share resources, expertise, and best practices to maximize the impact of our efforts.
  4. Jointly advocate for policies and programs that support the goals of world citizenship and the advancement of the concepts of Vashudhaiv Kutumbkam and the G-20 theme of “One Family, One Earth, One Future.”


Both [Name of Organization 1] and [Name of Organization 2] agree to work together to achieve the objectives outlined in this MOU. To that end, the following responsibilities are agreed upon:

  1. [Name of Organization 1] will take the lead on organizing the annual World Peace Parliament, and [Name of Organization 2] will provide support in the form of resources and expertise.
  2. Both organizations will collaborate on initiatives and events aimed at promoting world citizenship, including the annual World Peace Parliament, and will share resources and expertise as needed.
  3. Both organizations will jointly advocate for policies and programs that support the goals of world citizenship and the advancement of the concepts of Vashudhaiv Kutumbkam and the G-20 theme of “One Family, One Earth, One Future.”
  4. Both organizations will work together to maximize the impact of our efforts by sharing resources, expertise, and best practices.


This MOU will become effective on the date of signature and will remain in effect for a period of [insert number of years]. Either party may terminate this MOU upon [insert number of days] days written notice to the other party.

There are several organizations around the world that are promoting world citizenship and global citizenship, here are a few:

  1. World Citizenship Council: An international non-profit organization promoting world citizenship and the idea of a global community.
  2. Global Citizen: A social action platform connecting individuals with actions they can take to promote equality, justice, and human rights.
  3. One World Foundation: A non-profit organization promoting global citizenship education and action for sustainable development.
  4. United Nations Alliance of Civilizations: A platform for dialogue and cooperation between different cultures and civilizations, promoting global citizenship and intercultural understanding.
  5. International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment (IAACM): A global network of individuals and organizations promoting nonviolence and social change through creative maladjustment, or active resistance to injustice.
  6. World Peace Initiative Foundation: An international non-profit organization promoting peace education and action through programs and initiatives around the world.
  7. Global Oneness Project: A multimedia platform promoting global citizenship and intercultural understanding through storytelling and education.

These organizations are working towards promoting global citizenship, world peace, and understanding between different cultures and civilizations, and provide opportunities for individuals and organizations to get involved and make a positive impact.