Sponsor Our Cause

Founder Dr. Birendra Kumar meeting children of Children Peace Station

As a non-profit organization, the Non-Violence Foundation relies on the generosity of our supporters to carry out our mission of promoting peace, justice, and equality through education and advocacy.

There are many ways that you can sponsor our cause, including:

  1. Monetary donations: Monetary donations are the most direct and flexible form of support, and they allow us to allocate resources where they are needed most. Whether you choose to make a one-time donation or a recurring monthly gift, your support will have a direct and immediate impact on our work.
  2. In-kind donations: In-kind donations, such as supplies or equipment, can be extremely valuable to our work. If you have items that you think would be useful to our programs, please get in touch with us to discuss the details.
  3. Volunteer your time: If you are passionate about our cause and would like to get more involved, consider volunteering your time. We always welcome volunteers who are willing to share their skills and expertise with our organization.
  4. Partner with us: If you are a business, foundation, or organization that shares our values and mission, consider partnering with us to help promote peace and non-violence. Whether you are interested in supporting our programs or developing a joint project, we would love to hear from you.

By sponsoring our cause, you will not only be supporting our work, but you will also be making a positive impact on the lives of people around the world. Whether you choose to make a monetary donation, volunteer your time, or partner with us, your support will make a difference.

Together, we can create a more peaceful and just world. Thank you for considering the Non-Violence Foundation as a worthy cause to support.