✨ Spreading Peace, One School at a Time! ✨
Dr. Happiness Gulati, fondly known as the 'Modern Mahatma', continues...
Universal Non-Violence is peace, unity and harmony
Universal Non-Violence is peace, unity and harmony
The Non-Violence Foundation is an organization dedicated to promoting peace, justice, and equality through nonviolent action. Our foundation is rooted in the belief that all people have the capacity to create positive change and that violence only begets more violence. We are committed to empowering individuals and communities to take nonviolent action in the face of injustice and oppression. From community building and education programs to advocacy and direct action, we work to create a world where everyone can live with dignity, security, and respect. Join us in our mission to build a more peaceful and equitable world through nonviolence.
Dr. Happiness Gulati, fondly known as the 'Modern Mahatma', continues...
Welcome to SDG Times – the online news portal dedicated to promoting sustainable development and monitoring the progress of SDG 2030. Our platform is designed to provide the latest news, events, resources, and announcements related to the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations.
The Non-Violence Foundation is committed to promoting sustainability in all aspects of our work. We recognize that the well-being of future generations depends on the responsible use of natural resources and the reduction of our impact on the environment.
The Non-Violence Foundation is dedicated to promoting education and advocating for the implementation of the Right to Education Act 2005. Our goal is to provide slum children with access to quality education and ensure they receive the same opportunities as other children.
The Non-Violence Foundation is dedicated to promoting education and advocating for the implementation of the Right to Education Act 2005. Our goal is to provide slum children with access to quality education and ensure they receive the same opportunities as other children.
The Non-Violence Foundation is dedicated to promoting education and advocating for the implementation of the Right to Education Act 2005. Our goal is to provide slum children with access to quality education and ensure they receive the same opportunities as other children.
The women will be taught the necessary skills to become entrepreneurs and work towards making their village self-sustaining and self-reliant.
The women will be taught the necessary skills to become entrepreneurs and work towards making their village self-sustaining and self-reliant.
The women will be taught the necessary skills to become entrepreneurs and work towards making their village self-sustaining and self-reliant.
To promote peace and nonviolence by training individuals to become peace-trained teachers who can educate and inspire the next generation to embrace these values.
To promote peace and nonviolence by training individuals to become peace-trained teachers who can educate and inspire the next generation to embrace these values.
To promote peace and nonviolence by training individuals to become peace-trained teachers who can educate and inspire the next generation to embrace these values.
the LiFE programme and its benefits, and encourage individuals, communities, schools, colleges, and organizations to adopt a peaceful and non-violent lifestyle. Join us in our mission to create a better world for ourselves and future generations.
the LiFE programme and its benefits, and encourage individuals, communities, schools, colleges, and organizations to adopt a peaceful and non-violent lifestyle. Join us in our mission to create a better world for ourselves and future generations.
the LiFE programme and its benefits, and encourage individuals, communities, schools, colleges, and organizations to adopt a peaceful and non-violent lifestyle. Join us in our mission to create a better world for ourselves and future generations.
"Food is a universal need, and sustainable agriculture is a pathway to peace. By working together to grow healthy and nutritious food, we can build bridges of understanding and cooperation."
"Join us in our mission to create a peaceful and harmonious world through sustainable agriculture, protection of nature, and access to nutritious food for all. Your donation can make a difference and help us build a brighter future for generations to come."
We believe that by working together, we can achieve this goal and make a significant impact on the lives of people around the world. As a corporate entity or foundation, your support can play a critical role in helping us achieve our mission.
By supporting the Non-Violence Foundation, you will not only be making a positive impact on the world, but you will also be demonstrating your commitment to promoting peace and non-violence.