Children Peace Station

Children Peace Station

Welcome to Children Peace Station!

We are a pilot project of The Non-Violence Foundation, dedicated to ensuring the well-being and mental health of children. Our center is a safe haven for children to come and find peace of mind, away from the difficulties of the outside world.

Children Peace Station Lucknow
Children Peace Station Lucknow

At Children Peace Station, we offer a range of indoor facilities for informal learning and teaching, without any distractions from electronic gadgets like mobile phones and computers. Children can participate in activities like yoga, meditation, and can even use our anger room to release their frustration. They can also seek counseling and receive guidance on important values and ethics.

Our center is open for children between the ages of 6 and 17, and is not just a place for tuition but for children to enjoy their rights, discuss their dreams, and learn valuable life-skills. Children can play, read stories, crack jokes, and even learn about Sanskrit and the culture of peace and non-violence.

Post-Covid, we were able to assess the impact of our program and were amazed by the results. Our center helped children cope with the pandemic and made a positive impact on their mental health. Unfortunately, many people in society are not aware of the importance of mental health, but at Children Peace Station, we prioritize it and work to protect children from any negative influence.

Our goal is to have at least one Children Peace Station in all 11 districts of Delhi by 2025, and eventually expand to all districts of Delhi & NCR, as well as every state capital city in India. Join us in our mission to give children a peaceful and supportive environment to grow and thrive.