Non-Violence Peace Wings

Welcome to the Non-Violence Peace Foundation (NVPF) Wings, a sister organization dedicated to promoting peace and non-violence in communities around the world. NVPF Wings is an independent and autonomous organization that operates under the mission and vision of the Non-Violence Peace Foundation USA. Our mission is to create a world where peace, non-violence, and respect for all people are the norm. We believe that through our work, we can make a real difference in promoting a culture of peace and non-violence.


The primary objective of NVPF Wings is to promote a culture of peace and non-violence. To achieve this goal, we work to find solutions to local and global issues that threaten peace and stability.

Our work is based on the principles of Vashudhaiv Kutumbkam, which translates to “the world is one family.” We believe that by working together and promoting understanding and respect, we can create a more peaceful world for all.


NVPF Wings is active in promoting peace and non-violence in a variety of ways. Our activities include:

  • Community outreach and education: We work with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of peace and non-violence. Our outreach efforts include workshops, seminars, and educational programs designed to promote a culture of peace.
  • Conflict resolution: We work to resolve conflicts peacefully and effectively by facilitating dialogue and negotiations between conflicting parties.
  • Advocacy: We advocate for policies and programs that support peace and non-violence. Our advocacy efforts include lobbying government officials, media outreach, and public speaking.
  • Research and analysis: We conduct research and analysis to better understand the causes of conflict and violence. This information helps us to develop more effective solutions to local and global issues.

NVPF Wings operates independently, but we also collaborate with other organizations and groups that share our mission and vision. Our collaborations help us to achieve our goals more effectively and to reach a wider audience.

Support from Non-Violence Peace Foundation USA:

NVPF Wings is supported by the Non-Violence Peace Foundation USA. This support enables us to carry out our mission and achieve our objectives. The Non-Violence Peace Foundation USA is a non-profit organization that is committed to promoting peace, non-violence, and respect for all people. With its support, we can make a real difference in creating a more peaceful and harmonious world.

At NVPF Wings, we are committed to promoting peace and non-violence in communities around the world. We believe that through our work, we can make a real difference in creating a more peaceful and harmonious world. If you share our passion for peace and non-violence, we invite you to join us in our efforts. Together, with the support of the Non-Violence Peace Foundation USA, we can create a world where peace is the norm.