Mission & Vision


“Our mission is to advance a culture of peace and non-violence globally by fostering peace & non-violence education”

“The essence of Universal Non-Violence is Unity, Peace, and Harmony. As Mahatma Gandhi stated, Non-Violence is the path to peace. The Non-Violence Foundation (NVF) was established in honor of Gandhi’s movement and in commemoration of Champarn Satyagrah in 2017. Gandhi’s 18 constructive works and belief in Karma Yoga deeply influence our foundation.

In alignment with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030, NVF was founded to support these 17 goals and Gandhi’s ideas of self-sufficiency and self-reliance.

At the core of NPF are the values of People, Planet, Peace, Prosperity, and Partnership.

Our mission is to empower individuals and grassroots organizations through resources and training, so they can make positive change in their communities and become agents of change for the betterment of humanity. Our pillars of peace, nonviolence, nature, and agriculture offer solutions to the challenges facing the world today.”